韓式大醬燒豬肋骨 Korean Roasted Baby Back Ribs

Posted on Apr 22, 2016

Tags: #光波爐#大醬#豬肋排#baby-back-ribs#韓國菜

韓式大醬燒豬肋骨 Korean Roasted Baby Back Ribs

韓式大醬不但可以用作 大醬鍋 、韓式風味的湯底,而且可成為醃肉醃料,黃豆味更濃。如果你喜歡大醬的味道,絕對不能錯過這道韓式大醬燒豬肋骨。

燒豬肋骨 roasted baby back ribs 是一道頗為方便的菜式,只要早一晚醃好,明天只要放入光波爐或焗爐焗一段時間,不用注意爐火,可以安心做其他事情,是假期懶洋洋的最佳選擇。上一次試過用摩洛哥辣醬 harissa,不是太大眾化,所以今次試用韓式醃醬,比較流行及較易購買得到。




  1. 在小碗中,加入辣醬及大醬,逐少倒入橄欖油並拌勻。
  2. 在豬肋骨撒上少許鹽,在兩面倒上已拌的韓式醃醬,均勻地抹上,醃製時間最好隔一晚。
  3. 在烤盤上放了牛油紙,將豬肋骨放在烤盤上,把光波爐 / 焗爐 以 180C 烤焗 20 分鐘 (期間要反轉一次以確保加熱均勻 )。
  4. 在豬肋骨掃上少許韓式辣醬,以200C 焗 5 分鐘,令外皮香脆惹味 。

Korean Roasted Baby Back Ribs



  1. Add Korean chili paste and bean paste in a small bowl. Continously pour the oil and stir well.
  2. On the baby back ribs (make sure it is not wet), add some salt to season. Add the Korean paste on the ribs evenly. Marinate the ribs for hours (best: overnight).
  3. Preheat the oven. Set the temperature to 180C.
  4. Place a piece of baking paper on a baking tray. Put the ribs on top. Bake for 20 mins. For even baking, please turn the ribs over.
  5. Add a thin layer of Korean chili paste on top. Bake for 5 mins at 200C. The outermost layer becomes crispy and tasty.


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