煙肉雞胸卷配意大利羅勒醬 Bacon Wrapped Chicken Breast with Pesto

Posted on Mar 13, 2016

Tags: #pesto#羅勒醬#雞胸#意大利菜

煙肉雞胸卷配意大利羅勒醬 Bacon Wrapped Chicken Breast with Pesto

利用油份充足的煙肉包裹著雞胸肉,防止變乾,而雞胸肉內藏意大利羅勒醬 pesto,不但令香草的清新感令味道上加分,還在外觀上為白嫩的雞肉加添一層綠色的框線,勾畫出雞胸肉捲起來的形狀。





  1. 洗淨雞胸及抹乾。在雞胸中間割開,讓雞胸肉變成一份薄片。不要切斷,切開後的形狀像蝴蝶一樣,西式叫 butterfly a chicken breast。中式稱這切法為切雙飛。
  2. 撒上少許鹽及黑胡椒粉,醃雞肉一會兒。
  3. 自製 pesto (如用現成的可跳過此步) : 將羅勒葉切碎,放入碗中,拌入芝士粉及蒜蓉。用匙按壓拌勻,最後加入橄欖油輕拌即成。如有攪拌機,可把所有材料 (羅勒葉、芝士粉及蒜頭) 直接攪碎及拌勻,更節省時間。
  4. 把焗爐預熱,溫度為 180 C。
  5. 把 pesto 均勻地抹在雞胸肉上。將雞胸捲起來,要緊密一點。把煙肉蓋在雞肉面,包裹整個表面,但不要捲多於一層。
  6. 把雞肉卷放在焗盤內,以 180 C 焗 10 分鐘。放入串茄,再多焗 10 分鐘。
  7. 如想煙肉帶點香脆,將滲出的油份搽在煙肉表面,以 200 C 焗 5分鐘。
  8. 烤焗完會有大量的油份滲出,可在上碟前把多餘的倒走,完成。


Bacon Wrapped Chicken Breast with Pesto



  1. Wash chicken breast and pat it dry. Butterfly the chicken breast. It becomes a thin layer.
  2. Add some salt and pepper for seasoning.
  3. DIY pesto: Chop the basil leaves. Put them into a bowl. Add the cheese powder and garlic paste and stir. Add some olive oil to form the sauce. If using a blender, put all ingredients and blend. Finish.
  4. Preheat the oven (180C).
  5. Put the pesto sauce on the chicken breast. Roll the chicken tightly. Wrap some bacon slices around the chicken roll. Don’t overlap too much.
  6. Put the chicken roll into a baking tray. Bake for 10 mins. Then, add some tomatoes and bake for 10 mins more.
  7. If you want to make crispy bacon, put the oil given out from bacon on top. Bake for 5 mins with 200 C.
  8. After baking, there is a lot of oil and juices. Pour them out if too much. Done.


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