健康素食小吃 - 焗蘆筍脆脆 Baked Asparagus Fries

Posted on Mar 31, 2015

Tags: #蘆筍#麵包糠#小吃#素食

健康素食小吃 - 焗蘆筍脆脆 Baked Asparagus Fries





  1. 把焗爐預熱,溫度為 200C。
  2. 把一張牛油紙舖在大焗盤上,抹上少許橄欖油。
  3. 準備麵包糠:把麵包糠、芝士、鹽及黑胡椒粉放入碗中拌勻,然後倒在大碟中。
  4. 準備蛋漿:把蛋打在小碗中,高速打拌成蛋漿,同樣地倒入大碟中。
  5. 準備麵粉:把麵粉撒在另一碟上,確保碟是大於蘆筍。
  6. 現在應該有3碟脆漿材料:麵包糠、蛋漿及麵粉。把數條蘆筍沾上麵粉,然後沾一點蛋漿,最後在麵包糠上翻滾。重複上述過程直至全部已沾上麵包糠,並平放在預先準備的牛油紙上,避免重疊。
  7. 放入焗爐焗12分鐘。

Baked Asparagus Fries



  1. preheat the oven to 200C.
  2. Put a piece of baking paper on a large baking tray. Put little oil on it.
  3. Prepare the breadcrumb: Put breadcrumb, cheese, salt and pepper into a bowl and mix. Put the mixture into a large plate.
  4. Prepare the beaten egg: beat the eggs in a small bowl and pour the egg on another large plate.
  5. Prepare the flour: Sprinkle the flour on the third plate. Make sure the plate is bigger than the asparagus.
  6. Now, you should have 3 plates for the crust. Dip few asparagus into flour, beaten egg, breadcrumb in this order. Make sure they are evenly coated with breadcrumb. Repeat this procedures until all of them are coated. Put all asparagus on the baking paper prepared before. Avoid overlapping each other.
  7. Put them into oven and bake for 12 mins. Done.


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