蘋果都炆?中式炆牛肋條 Chinese Style Beef Rib Fingers

Posted on Oct 1, 2015

Tags: #牛肋條#蘋果#中菜#鑄鐵鍋

蘋果都炆?中式炆牛肋條 Chinese Style Beef Rib Fingers

因看過韓國人炆牛肉時加入梨,使湯汁帶少許果甜及令牛肉軟腍。我有樣學樣,改用蘋果 (原因:家中有不少…),炆出來的牛肋條又軟又腍。此外,調味用上多種中式醬料,令層次感再一步提升。因此,味道上是帶有淡淡的蘋果香甜,花椒的麻,辣椒的刺激,絕對是絕佳的帶飯食譜 (老婆都帶回公司吃)。





  1. 洗淨牛肋條後抹乾,用少許鹽、麻油、花椒油及米酒醃一會兒。
  2. 將甘荀、馬鈴薯、蘋果去皮,切塊。蘋果塊要切得較細,其他的可以大一點。
  3. 用中火將鍋加熱。煎香牛肋條,然後盛起備用。
  4. 加入雞湯,將煎牛肋條時的 “精華” 溶入湯中,令味道更佳。如發現有大塊的顆粒可先除去。 [法國菜的小技巧]
  5. 把馬鈴薯、甘荀及蘋果加至湯中,另外要加入更多的水令湯可完全覆蓋材料。數分鐘後,放回牛肋條並加入花椒、紅辣椒及辣椒粉。
  6. 待沸後,蓋上鍋蓋,轉小火,炆最少 1小時。期間要觀察一下水量,以免材料煮乾。
  7. 取出馬鈴薯及牛肋條,以免過度炆煮。轉大火把湯汁收濃及煮透甘荀。
  8. 把馬鈴薯及牛肋條放回鍋中,用小火煮多半小時並加入鹽調味,完成。

Chinese Style Beef Rib Fingers



  1. Wash the rib fingers and dry them with a paper towel. Add some salt, sesame oil, sichuan pepper oil and rice wine to marginate them.
  2. Peel the carrots, potatoes and apples. Chop them into chunks. Apple chunks should be smaller.
  3. Medium heat: Brown the rib fingers. Take them out from the casserole.
  4. Pour the chicken stock into casserole. Let the essence from beef dissolve into the stock.
  5. Add carrot, potatoes and apples into the stock. Also, add some water until covers all the ingredient. Put the rib fingers back to casserole and add chili, chili powder and sichuan pepper into the stock.
  6. When the stock boils, cover the casserole. Turn to low heat. Cook for 1 hour. Meanwhile, please make sure the liquid level is high enough.
  7. Take out the potatoes and rib fingers. Turn to high heat. Thicken the stock.
  8. Put the potatoes and rub fingers back to casserole. Cook them with low heat for 30 mins more. Finally, add some salt to season. Done.


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