Tagged "帶子"

  1. Fine Dining 前菜 - 煎帶子配青豆蓉 Seared Scallops with Pea Puree
  2. 煎帶子配檸檬羅勒醬 Seared Scallops with Lemon and Basil Sauce
  3. 煎帶子配香料甘荀蓉 Scallops with Spiced Carrot Puree
  4. 更易做出香濃幼滑的南瓜蓉!煎帶子配南瓜蓉
  5. 煎帶子配甘荀及青豆蓉 Seared Scallops with Carrot and Pea Puree
  6. 煎帶子配椰菜花蓉及自製咖哩油 Seared Scallop with Cauliflower Puree and Curry Oil
  7. 煎帶子伴甘荀蓉 Seared Scallop with Carrot Puree
  8. 煙肉帶子伴南瓜蓉 Bacon Wrapped Scallop with Pumpkin Puree