檸檬香草焗豬柳 Roasted Pork Loin with Herbs and Lemon

Posted on May 23, 2016

Tags: #pork-loin#豬柳#香草

檸檬香草焗豬柳 Roasted Pork Loin with Herbs and Lemon

豬柳 pork loin 的脂肪量極低,肉味純香,配上帶有少許草香的新鮮香草及清新的檸檬,令整體味道更有層次,完全不感到膩,吃下一口肉後也不會有罪疚感。

香草之中,百里香 thyme 跟豬肉一向很合襯,因葉子不大,所以混入蕃茜 parsley,令綠色的夾層看起來更突出。

這菜式是注意的是火侯,不要太高溫來烤焗,避免過度加熱,令肉質變硬。烤焗時間約在 15 – 20 分鐘內,豬柳剛剛轉色就代表差不多完成。




  1. 把焗爐預熱,溫度設定為 180C。
  2. 將豬柳洗淨,去除表面的脂肪膜並抹乾。
  3. 在豬柳中間橫切一刀,將豬柳開邊,但不要切斷,即是 “切雙飛”。
  4. 將豬柳躺開,做成一個較大的平面。
  5. 把百里香及蕃茜的葉子取出及切碎,放在豬柳上。
  6. 用磨皮器磨出檸檬屑,加入少許鹽到豬柳上。
  7. 把豬柳對摺,變回原來的樣子。在豬柳綁上2-3條廚房繩並紮穩,讓中間香草及檸檬鎖穩,不會因烤焗而流失。
  8. 將豬柳放入烤盤,加入少許鹽及黑胡椒粉到表面。以 180C 烤焗 18分鐘,然後再塗上少許橄欖油,以 200C 烤焗 5 分鐘,完成。
  9. 上碟時,把 1 小份檸檬切成塊,方便在吃之前淋上檸檬汁,提升清新感。不要立即切豬柳,要等數分鐘呀,否則會流失肉汁。

Roasted Pork Loin with Herbs and Lemon



  1. Preheat the oven to 180C.
  2. Wash the pork loin. Remove the fat on top. Pat it dry.
  3. Butterfly the pork loin: Cut the loin in middle. Don’t cut it through. Just like a book. After opening up, there is a flat platform.
  4. Pick up the leaves of thyme and parsley. Chop them and place them on the loin.
  5. Add lemon zest and salt to the pork loin.
  6. Flip the loin so that it “restores” its original shape. Tie the loin with some strings. The herbs and lemon layer will not disappear after roasting.
  7. Place the pork loin in the baking tray. Add some salt and pepper on the surface. Roast it at 180C for 18 mins. Then, add some oliver oil on top and roast in a higher temperature. Done.
  8. Before serving, cut the lemon into wedges. The lemon juices can enhance the taste of the pork loin. Don’t cut the loin just after roasting. Otherwise, the juices from the loin will be lost.



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