香濃甘荀扁豆湯 Spiced Carrot Lentil Soup

Posted on Apr 2, 2015

Tags: #扁豆#甘荀#湯#素食

香濃甘荀扁豆湯 Spiced Carrot Lentil Soup


香濃甘荀扁豆湯 (2人份量)



  1. 用磨蓉器磨出甘筍蓉,用大碗存起。
  2. 把孜然籽及辣椒放入小鍋中乾炒一會兒,當香味散發出來時,把一半香料盛起備用。
  3. 倒入甘筍蓉、扁豆、雞湯、牛奶拌勻煮沸,轉小火煮多10-15分鐘。
  4. 加入鹽調味。因香料的香氣十足,建議逐少加入湯中並試味。
  5. 將所有湯及湯料倒進攪拌器中攪碎。
  6. 將濃郁的湯倒入小碗中,撒上已炒香的香料,完成。

Spiced Carrot Lentil Soup (for 2 servings)



  1. Grate the carrot and store it in a big bowl.
  2. Dry-fry cumin seeds and chili on a pan. As the aroma comes out, stop frying. Put half of the spices into another bowl.
  3. Add grated carrot, lentils, chicken soup and milk into the pan. Stir well. Simmer for 10-15 mins after boiling.
  4. Add salt for seasoning. Advice: Don't add too much salt at a time. Taste the soup after adding little.
  5. Pour the soup into a blender. Blend it until smooth.
  6. Pour the soup into a small bowl and add the fried spices. Done.



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