聖誕必吃烘焙 - 薑餅人 Gingerbread Man Recipe

Posted on Dec 19, 2014

Tags: #christmas#聖誕節#薑餅#曲奇#烘焙

聖誕必吃烘焙 - 薑餅人 Gingerbread Man Recipe

又到聖誕!無聊癮又起,繼上次萬聖節的曲奇後,挑戰最應節的薑餅人 gingerbread man! 今次整餅有老婆的全力協助及充滿愛心的指導下,學會了更多的基本技巧 (我弱到連棍及模具也不懂得用…羞家…)。薑餅人上面的糖霜裝飾全是本人的瘋狂創作,圖案可能有點不雅,敬請原諒。





  1. 把牛油、黃糖及糖漿放入鍋中,用最細火慢慢加熱,用打蛋機或手攪器把糖完全溶入牛油,製成糊狀。加入蛋漿,令牛油漿變得濕潤。
  2. 把麵粉、梳打粉、薑粉、肉桂粉及辣椒粉放入大碗內拌勻。
  3. 把牛油漿逐少加入麵粉中,慢慢搓成麵團。
  4. 用保鮮紙包裹麵團,放入雪櫃最少1小時定型。
  5. 預熱焗爐 160C [有風扇]
  6. 拿出麵團,切成兩半。在檯面上放上牛油紙,灑上少許麵粉,放上其中一團麵團,用另一張牛油紙放上麵團,用棍把麵團壓至 5mm 左右厚。用薑餅人模具印出圖案,並放在牛油紙上。
  7. 把薑餅人放入已預熱的焗爐中,焗 11-12分鐘。
  8. 準備裝飾糖霜: 把糖霜放入碗中,加入杏仁油,逐滴水加入並拌勻,直至糖霜變得順滑及濃厚。把糖霜放入擠瓶中,比擠袋更易控制。
  9. 把已焗的薑餅人放在架上待涼。最後,把糖霜擠到薑餅人表面,進行裝飾。

Gingerbread Man Recipe



  1. Melt butter, sugar, syrup in a pan. Low heat is enough. Use hand mixer to stir it until sugar is completely dissolved in the butter. Add the beaten egg and stir.
  2. Put flour, baking soda, ground ginger and cinnamon, pepper into a big bowl and stir.
  3. Add the butter mix into the flour. Mix and make a dough.
  4. Wrap the dough using cling film and cool for at least 1 hour.
  5. Pre-heat the oven 160C [with fan].
  6. Take out the dough. Cut it into halves. Put a piece of baking paper on the table. Put some flour on top. Place the dough on the paper. Take out another piece of baking paper and put it on top of the dough. Roll the dough to about 5 mm thick. Stamp out gingerbread man. Lift it onto a baking paper.
  7. Bake the gingerbread men for 11-12 mins.
  8. Prepare the icing for decoration: Put the icing sugar into a bowl. Add 1-2 drops of almond extract into sugar and stir. Add water drop by drop and stir until the icing becomes smooth and thick.
  9. Cool the gingerbread men on the rack. Squeeze the icing on top to make the eyes and noses. Design your own pattern. Have fun.


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