冬蔭公雞翼 Tom Yum Chicken Wings

Posted on Sep 3, 2015

Tags: #chicken-wing#冬蔭公#雞翼#泰國菜

冬蔭公雞翼 Tom Yum Chicken Wings



冬蔭公雞翼 (2人份量)



  1. 洗淨雞翼,徹底抹乾。下少許鹽醃一會兒。
  2. 用刀面輕輕拍香茅下,切成一片片
  3. 把南薑、檸檬葉、蒜頭、指天椒切碎,盛起。
  4. 中高火加熱平式鑊,加少許油。待油足夠熱時,放下雞翼,皮向下。先把雞翼外皮煎香,當變得金黃色時,反轉雞翼。煎2分鐘後轉小火,倒下香茅、檸檬葉、蒜粒、辣椒粒,炒香把香氣逼出。
  5. 加入辣椒膏到鑊中,拌勻,令所有雞翼都沾上。煮透後,連香料一起上碟。
  6. 切出兩至三塊青檸,供食用時擠出清新青檸汁。

Tom Yum Chicken Wings



  1. Wash the chicken wings and dry them with paper towel. Add some salt on the wings.
  2. Cut the lemongrass into small pieces.
  3. Chop the galangal, lemon leaves, garlic and chilli.
  4. Add some oil on a hot pan. Brown the chicken wings on the pan. Skin side down. As the skins are golden, flip the wings. Lower the flame. Add lemongrass,  lemon leaves, garlic and chilli. Fry them and give out the flavours.
  5. Add the chilli paste to the wings. Stir well and cook for few minutes.
  6. Cut the lime into few wedges. Serve the wings with lime wedges.


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