多重滋味多重視覺享受!芒果乳酪甜品配士多啤梨 Greek Yogurt with Mango Puree and Strawberry

Posted on May 16, 2015

Tags: #strawberry#yogurt#乳酪#士多啤梨#芒果#甜品

多重滋味多重視覺享受!芒果乳酪甜品配士多啤梨 Greek Yogurt with Mango Puree and Strawberry



芒果乳酪配士多啤梨 (4人份量)



  1. 把芒果去皮、切出果肉,並放在攪拌機攪至變成蓉。切忌持續地攪拌太長時間,會令生果變質。
  2. 將5-6顆士多啤梨切成粒,約 0.5 cm大。
  3. 把數匙的芒果蓉加進玻璃杯中,然後加入一層乳酪。現在形成了一層芒果一層乳酪,重覆多一次芒果及乳酪的層次交疊。
  4. 放入士多啤梨粒舖在上方,形成紅紅的一層。如想外觀更美,可把士多啤梨紅色的外皮向出。
  5. 加多一層芒果後,放上切成半顆的士多啤梨,完成!
  6. 如想形狀較穩固,可放入雪櫃冷藏半小時以上。

Greek Yogurt with Mango Puree and Strawberry



  1. Peel the mangoes. Cut all the flesh and put them into blender. The mango puree is formed. Dont blend the mangoes for a long time. Heating effect in motor may change the taste.
  2. Cut 5-6 strawberries into 0.5 cm cubes
  3. Pour few tablespoon of mango puree into a glass cup. Add yogurt to form another layer. Now, you will see a yellow bottom layer and a white top layer. Repeat this procedures once.
  4. Put the strawberry cubes on top.
  5. Add one more mango layer. Put a half-cut strawberry on top. Done.
  6. To have firm shape, put it into fridge for at least 0.5 hour


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